Monday, February 9, 2009

No Wonder Parents Have Lost Trust

Parents across the country have lost trust in the powers that be - the medical establishment, the "protective" agencies of the federal government, and big business. Modern medicine is failing our children who are plagued by neurological disorders from ADHD to autism in record numbers. Big business is marketing products to our children that are unsafe, from lead-laced toys to bottles with BPA, and are cultivating creating a culture of consumerism targeted at our youth. The "protective" agencies have just hit a new low. Now the FDA is claiming that mercury is safe and pregnant women and children, previously the population most vulnerable to contamination, no longer have to avoid mercury-laden fish.

Parents are more than distrustful: they are downright disgusted. And parents are not alone. The scientists at the Environmental Working Group agree that "this is the last nail in the coffin for the FDA's credibility" and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) officials are calling the FDA's study "scientifically flawed and inadequate." Maybe the FDA needs a few copies of Dr. Jane Hightower's Diagnosis: Mercury, Money, Politics and Poison - an investigation into mercury poisoning in modern America and the growing threat to our health.

The depth of this distrust is palpable and it is time that we parents stand up for ourselves, for our children, and for the health of the planet. Clearly, the powers that be cannot be counted on to do so.

1 comment:

  1. The FDA's blatant disregard for the safety and health of our children is truly an outrage1


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