Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Self Care for Busy Mamas

One of the most basic and important things all moms need is self-care. We need to fill our own cups and revitalize ourselves, especially when our children are very young and very needy. Ironically, it is also one of the hardest things to achieve. Moms are often plagued by the opposing desire to take personal time and a sense of obligation and guilt whenever the opportunity arises. Deep down, though, we all know that we need the time to refresh and that it makes us better parents and contributes to our happiness. The biggest obstacle? Usually time. So here are a few quick ways to regroup and renew in a pinch:

Got 30 minutes? A short naptime or a little help from a friend or partner and you can get a 30 minute refresher. What you can do:
  • Take a walk. Head to park, trail, or beach and just connect with the quiet and stillness of nature. Grab some fresh air, get your exercise, and just let your mind wander.
  • Indulge yourself. Take a warm bath, do a yoga routine, get a quick pedicure, or sit and meditate.
  • Have a treat. Grab a hot cup of tea or coffee and a special snack, find a quiet place and read, write, draw, or just enjoy your favorite music.
Got 15 minutes? Even when you're on the go, doing drop-offs or pick-ups, you can fit in a moment of peace.
  • Head outside and soak up 15 minutes of warm sun on your face or stretch and breathe.
  • Call a friend and have an adult conversation about anything other than kids.
  • Brew a hot cup of tea and sit and sip it.
Need a 5 minute fix? Refresh in a flash:
  • Enjoy a bite of the most delicious, organic, fair trade chocolate you can find and savor it.
  • Pull out some essential oils and smell the aroma - try lemon for a quick pick up or lavender for calming.
  • Put on your favorite song and turn the volume up. Sing as loud as you can.
  • Daydream. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite or fantasy location, feeling the sensations and bliss.
  • Write a gratitude list - jot down 10 things you are grateful for today.
Even simple actions can help us to renew and come back to parenting with a fresher, calmer perspective!

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